quality of life Since most of last night and this morning at work was spent trying not to feel queasy from lack of sleep, I'll ramble on about the rest of yesterday that got lost in the previous entry. ... Yesterday was the first time that I saw my grandma since she had been moved to a new center. People often use such phrases as quality of care and I know what they mean. Without a doubt there is an amazing amount of difference from where she was and where she is now. Foremost would be the overall atmosphere of the place. To be blunt, this new place doesn't smell. Whenever I walked into the door of the other place I was assaulted by the stench of fecal matter and other bodily odors that made me want to stop breathing while I was there. All of that is gone now. I can feel relaxed while I am there and I also feel better about her being there. Thoughts of neglect no longer enter my mind when I leave although that is still hard to do and is usually preceded by a few false exits. ... The new place is closer to my parents so I decided to get a free meal from them on my way home. While I was there I got to see the dog that my sister had told me about the other night and I was impressed. I would even go so far as to say that the dog looked noble. Something about a mix of St. Bernard and Akita makes for a powerful looking dog. ... It wasn't until this past Tuesday that I learned how little I know about Mark Twain and his work. Yes, I've read the big two that either make or are banned from high school reading lists, but that was years ago. The only other work of Twain that I've even bothered with was Letters From Earth which still makes me laugh. Now that I'm older I've taken a slightly different approach to Twain and focus more on his use of dialects to capture reality rather than the plot.