those quiet moments

It wasn't as tropical on campus today as it was on Tuesday, but there were still people milling around outside enjoying it while they could. By this weekend the temperatures will be much more seasonal. A true summer will have to wait another two months, but that doesn't really bother me. I tend to melt whenever the temperature gets above eighty degrees.


Miss Flax has a power stride when she walks that doesn't go well with her chunky shoes. The two things seem to fight her the whole way. The low rise jeans were a nice touch even though she would give them a hike upwards here and there. No. I think that she only did that once when she first stood up to leave the classroom.


On the return home, I listened to the final tape of Herman Melville's Billy Budd and I guess that it was what I had expected. Then again it was years ago that I first read the story so it was almost completely new to me.


I resisted the urge to turn on the air today and I didn't regret it. I slept the best that I had all week. Better insulation does make a difference.


The color green is finally making its presence known and I missed it these past few months.


Six o'clock at night. A double rainbow in the sky. I took some photos and hoped that they captured more than a fraction of what I saw.


I didn't turn on the television once today. There were better things to see out my window.


I made some phone calls, but none of the people that I called were home.


Ten o'clock at night. Lying on my living room floor staring out my patio window at the lightning with Rosie Thomas playing in the background. No worries and not really thinking about much of anything. Half paying attention to the lyrics about lost love as the lightning flashes in the northern part of the sky. The rain hasn't started yet, but I can tell that it is coming.


Eleven o'clock at night. I made it into my car and onto the road just as the rain started to fall. No one else was heading north except for me. The sound of the rain was so loud that I turned off the audio book to help my concentration.

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