want her close For the second night in a row I didn't talk at all with Nicole and I tried to not let it bother me. Naturally I start to wonder if I've done something wrong, but I probably haven't. As I've said before, she has her life and I have mine and the two don't overlap as much as I would like. Maybe I'll have an answer tomorrow. I hope so, because I seriously miss talking with her. ... Work wasn't as depressing as the other night. Then again Friday nights never bother me, because I don't see my boss in the morning and I get some time to myself. Actually I spent part of the night working with Nicole's fiance, which was a little different for me. I like him well enough, but there are times when I get jealous of him and Nicole. Obviously I don't say or do anything about it, since in her own way she seems to be happy enough. The two of them are the classic opposites couple. She is full of energy and has a very playful quality about her that is infectious. He on the other hand seldom talks and is serious most of the time that I see him. Something must click between them though and keeps them together. ... Black smoke could be seen crossing high above the road about a mile or two from where I live. I had an idea of what might have been burning, but I didn't know until I was over the last rise in the road. Then once I cleared the hill, I saw it on the left side of the road. Bright orange flames were coming from a barn. The local fire department was already there and so were a few cars parked on the side of the road watching them work. I suspect that this was a planned event, because a major retail store is being built on the land right next to the barn. Something tells me that the local farmer wanted out of farming completely once he sold the land and that eliminated the need for the barn. Of course this might have been announced at some time around town, but I'm not involved in the area so it was a surprise to me. That was the largest fire that I have ever seen in my life and I can see why people would stop to watch. Why go to church when you can watch a barn burn down? Maybe they found these flames more interesting than the ones that are supposed to exist in hell. I don't know why they were there or what they thought about what they were seeing. I didn't stop to ask any of them although I am sure that it would have been mildly interesting to hear what they had to say. ... Campbell Scott is doing a great job reading The Forgetting Room. I've known about Nick Bantock for years, but have never really read any of his work. The most that I've done is pick up a book in the store and page through it. Now I have a much better idea of what I was missing. The mystical air of the book makes a good contrast to the allegorical world of Melville aboard a ship at sea, which the focus of my last audio book.