a successful sunday

Light snow was in the weather forecast and there were some flakes in the early morning hours. Nothing lasted once it touched the ground.

Last weekend I was contemplating on whether or not to turn on the air conditioning and now the heat in my place has come back on for the first time in weeks. This is what we call spring in Wisconsin so I'm not complaining.


All is well with Nicole and I as part of me knew that it would be. We got caught up with each other a couple of times in the night.

She took some steps to prevent her from being fired at work by talking with her former boss who went to first shift. He understood that she had been wronged and would discreetly look into it for her. Now she wonders if her boss knows that she said something to someone else.

She doesn't mind her job that much except for the unfair treatment that she gets from her boss, which is understandable. Naturally there is nothing that I can do to help her except listen and tell her that she isn't wrong. Obviously I want things to work out for her and if she was forced to leave I would miss her dearly.


When I drove past this morning, the stone foundation was all that was left of the burning barn and I wondered how long that would be left standing. The wood must not have been of any value since they set it ablaze, but one would think that the stone would be worth something. Then again maybe the cost of removing them is more than the stone itself.

I'm not sure why I am getting so concerned about a farm going away. I didn't know the people there and I certainly didn't grow up on a farm so I have no real attachment to the lifestyle.

Seeing what had happened did make me wonder what it must be like to be a small farmer in the twenty first century. That topic never makes the news. Nor does it surface that often in tales of the future. I imagine that it must be more of a struggle than it was a hundred years ago.

Everything today seems to be about making money and I suspect that it must be hard to make money farming. I could be wrong of course.


Late this evening I spent about two hours on the phone with California Dan and it was good to talk with someone who's known me for over a decade. Even though I talk with a number of people at work, I always get the impression that I come across as being slightly eccentric to them. From their point of view I haven't bought into the common way of thinking, which is true. Not all of my spirit has been crushed and I do like to expand my horizon when I can.

Dan and I however share a common view on a number of topics be it women, film and or music. Actually the two of us both fight the system in our own quiet way.

We don't always agree, but at the same time we understand one another and talking with him tends to keep me grounded. Maybe this comes across as being trite or cliche, but isn't that what someone looks for in a friend.

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