no insights today Last night before I fell asleep I caught a second airing of Justine traveling through south west China and this time I taped it. Yes, I liked it that much that I wanted to be able to watch it again. Besides she was just as charming as she was the first time. I wonder why I can't meet people like her. Actually I do meet those kinds of people, but that only happens when I am somewhere else in the world. Why would someone like her be caught in a nine to five world where reports are important? It'll never happen. I've done some online research and found out that she's only four years older than myself so maybe I can change the direction of my life before I slowly lose my mind at a job that alternately frustrated and depresses me. ... Late this morning I downloaded and watched the latest trailer for Episode II. I haven't paid much attention at all to the film and as I said my expectations aren't that high. More than likely I'll go with a group of people from work on opening day, but I won't disappointed if I don't like it. "Begun this clone war has" is what Yoda said. Actually I had to listen to that one part of the trailer a few times before it stopped sounding as though he were saying "begun this cornwall has." I kept thinking that he was either talking about the Corn Palace in South Dakota or about some place in England. Neither of those made sense. Maybe Lucas should go for an all out comedy approach more along the lines of the Indiana Jones stuff. Wait a minute. He already tried that with Episode I. I'll probably take down the photo of Natalie Portman in a day or two. At the time it seemed funny to me and if I can't make myself laugh then I'm in trouble. In all seriousness she has to be happy with her life. At the age of twenty she has a role in what despite some people might think to the contrary is a visual juggernaut in the world of entertainment. ... I've got a rough mental map of Copenhagen and Stockholm in my mind and I am slowly trying to figure out the Baltics. ... Yes, I am reaching for things to say today. The day itself wasn't bad, but talking about me cleaning my house tends to get a little dry. I did reach a decision though as I was cleaning. The stuff that is still in boxes from when I moved here needs to go. ... A neighbor of mine threw into the dumpster a complete if not functioning ceiling fan and I wondered why. To me it seemed like such a waste. Maybe the style didn't appeal to the person, but at the same time couldn't he have given it to someone else. Whoever it was didn't even salvage the light bulbs. America is the land where people throw things away without thinking twice about it. Out of sight, out of mind keeps everyone happy and no I am not a tree hugger by any stretch of the imagination. It just troubles me when a person at work can't take the time to walk twenty feet down the hall to throw away an aluminum can in the recycling bin instead of the regular trash. In his or her defense the waste baskets at work supposedly have a dual function. Hanging on the lip of the bigger basket is a smaller one where recyclable materials are supposed to go, but no one seems to differentiate between the two of them. Neither does the cleaning crew from what I have seen them do when they empty them. Maybe as a child I saw that crying Indian commercial too many times when I was watching Saturday morning cartoons. Oh, excuse me, that would be a Native American. Sigh.