mad i say

With half an hour left on the clock for me, my boss and I spoke this morning at work about the issue that caused so much anger last week on both sides. I had been expecting this all morning and my body tensed when he asked to speak with me.

After a few false starts we sat down and discussed what had transpired between us. In my hand was a printed copy of the email so I could refer to what I wrote and not be misquoted by him. I also needed something to ground me and keep me calm. Oddly enough he also had a printed version in front of him.

In the beginning he clearly did not understand what I did, but eventually I got my point across and got a quick apology from him. It took more than one attempt to assure him that what I did was not a joke aimed at the day crew. I did what I felt was needed at the time and last Friday he dismissed my effort and let himself feel as though something was being hidden from him.

He was so wrong. Even more important to me was the fact that I was right in pinpointing the cause of the trouble while the day crew spent hours running after a false lead. I was smarter than six other people that day and yet I was the one that got the nasty email.

I love it when I am vindicated.


There are times when I play the fool at work, but I do that for a reason. As in a Shakespeare play only the fool can speak the truth while everyone else is prancing around acting important. I also find it interesting to mess with people to a small degree. Obviously that doesn't always work very well in a business environment so I don't do it all of the time.


Having solved the issue at work, the rest of the day was spent in peace with rain falling shortly after the sun set.


Willa Cather's novel My Antonia has to be one of the most lyrical books that I have listened to on tape and I think that that has something to do with the time period when it was written. Most of the novels written today are more about dialogue than description. Yes, I know that that is a generalization, but this is the first book that I've listened to on tape where the landscape played such a major role in the story. Then again the prairies of Nebraska have a very primal or maybe sublime quality to them.

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