dandelions are everywhere

Saturday night went well at work and I finished writing my paper for class. It felt good to have a sense of accomplishment and it also let me enjoy my weekend. I wouldn't have to worry about the paper today or Monday. Now all that I have left is two days of class and the final exam.

This semester has been different than the previous three, but I still liked it. I guess I felt as though I wasn't involved as much as I wanted to be and I'm not sure how much of that was my fault or something that was beyond my control. Being there still had value, but it wasn't quite what I had expected. Of course the fall is still an unknown to me, but I hope to return once again. I've come this far and I don't see any reason to stop now.


In the final hour before I left work I got to talk with my buddy Nicole. She said that the argument between her and her fiance slowly faded away by neither of them talking about it anymore and I guess that that is one way to solve the problem. It may not be the best solution, but who am I to judge. At least she was happy again. Of course I never saw the two of them together during the course of the night. Nor did he pass on some information that pertained to her.


For months if not longer my brother has been saying that I should give streaming audio a try using iTunes. Well, I finally did today and I love it. On squidradio indie or somafm, I heard the following songs in the span of forty five minutes:

Marbles - Rather Be A Scarecrow
Built To Spill - Center Of The Universe
Modest Mouse - Dirty Fingernails
764-Hero - Terrified Of Flight
Blake Babies - A Million Years (Juliana, forget about Evan and call me instead.)
Ken Stringfellow - Take Care (He reminds me of a cross between Bowie and Lennon.)
Oranger - Springtime
Wedding Present - Real Thing
Red House Painters - Long Distance Runaround
Sea and Cake - Showboat Angel

I'd given up on local radio years ago and alternate between cds and audio books when I'm in my car. Now I realize that there are other options out there. My brother is more of a groove salad man.

I've been a fan of Juliana Hatfield for years so it was great to hear the Blake Babies and the Red House Painters were also something that I recognized. The rest of the list I must confess was new to me and I see that as being a good thing. It almost feels as though I have a college dj again for a roommate.


With the sun going behind the clouds late this morning, I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep. Then I woke in time to see The Simpsons and The X-Files. The image of the Simpsons children as Ganesh will always stay with me as will the line from Apu about his vendor fling.

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