two people arguing It wasn't until this morning that someone reminded me that last week Friday I was in a complete rage for most of the night. Thankfully that didn't happen this time. When I logged into my computer, my email inbox was free of any ill will from my boss or anyone else. The new guy however is still making waves in the company and Friday was no exception. I can't tell you how good it feels to have someone else in the spotlight. It seems that there had been a major network issue during the day and he was surprised at how long it took the crew to fix the problem. I wasn't surprised at all. ... Most of the night was spent working on my one and only paper for this semester. The paper and the final is about all that is left for me to do in the class. ... There are times when I try to step back and take a slightly more objective look at my friend and frequent focus of affection, Nicole. When I look at her that way I like to tell myself that there are more than a number of things that she does that would in time drive me insane if we were together. Sometimes this trick works and sometimes it doesn't. So putting aside the fact that she's already with someone else, I imagine that the following list of things are something that would come between us: She is a pet person and already has at her place what I would consider a small menagerie consisting of a dog that doesn't bark, a rabbit and a bearded dragon. As to why she chose those three animals is beyond me. I like animals, but I don't think that I would want to share my or if we were together our bedroom with a rabbit. At the moment she has told me that the cage sits next to their bed and something tells me that the smell would bother me. She also says that the dog often sleeps in the bed and once again I think that I'd object to that kind of thing. Of course she says that she does it to keep her fiance away from her. Maybe that wouldn't happen with me. She has a very short attention span and gets bored easily. One might ask how I know this to be true and I'd have to say that she told me. She has said that she can't sit still through an hour and a half movie. She has to get up and move around through part of it. She also has problems with long rides in the car. Actually those are the only things that I can think of at the moment as flaws and in some ways I think that I could probably overlook them. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. ... Nicole and her fiance were arguing about something at work and naturally I felt for her. She wouldn't tell me why they were fighting, but it clearly bothered her. All that I could do was give her a kiss on the check and tell her that he loved her and if he didn't, then I certainly did.