nicole pulling away

I spoke with Nicole for about twenty minutes at work this morning and found out that she was at work on Saturday night Sunday morning even though I didn't see or talk with her. She said that she was bored out of her mind and smoked a pack of cigarettes during the night, which led me to ask why she didn't come by to talk with me. She said that her fiance gets upset when she does that instead of working even though there was nothing for her to do.


On the one hand it is good to see her supporting him, but at the same time I get less and less time with her. Then again I'm not the one that goes home with her or has a child with her so I guess that that makes sense.

Maybe one might call this jealousy.


I should not be working in a customer service related job. Let me explain. I don't talk with customers that often in my job, more often than not I just work with vendors which I enjoy. There are however a few times when I talk with customers and those have to be some of the most frustrating phone calls for me. Sometimes they have no clue what I am trying to say to them which is fine. The calls that send me over the edge are the ones where the person on the other end has just enough knowledge to try and contradict me. Sigh.

I had one of those calls during my final hour at work and that ruined the entire day for me. More than once I had to use the mute button on the phone and even put down it down for a moment to mutter and swear to myself.

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