love from afar Once again what I said yesterday came out slightly mangled. I wandered from a book to family life to a movie based on a comic book. Then again I suppose that that would be pure me so I won't try to correct myself. ... Almost continuous gusts of wind cleared the sky of any clouds that might have tried to linger from yesterday. With said wind in force I was expecting to see some whitecaps on the lake, but it was relatively calm when I got there. The wind must have been coming from the west and was blocked by hills next to the beach. ... With today being the last day of class for the semester, there were a few new faces in the classroom. Maybe they realized that the professor was going to discuss every single point that was going to be on the final. That might sound exaggerated, but it's true. The class period before we had the mid term he reviewed all of the material that was going to be on the exam. At first I didn't quite believe him, but then I saw the exam and knew that he was telling the truth. For me there were no surprises and I did well. I hope that the same will happen next week Tuesday. As nice as it will be to have a more regular sleep cycle, I'll miss going to the east side twice a week. I need something like school to challenge me and once I get back from Europe I'll have to get some personal projects going to fill the void. I'll also miss seeing all of those good looking women on campus. ... So I watched the farewell episode for the Anthony Edwards character on ER tonight and I have to say that it worked for me. As some reviews put it, he was the moral center of the show and now I guess that mantle gets handed over to Dr. Carter. Dying on Hawaii isn't a bad way to go. A good portion of the place is one big tourist park, but there are quiet spots here and there. It seems like a long time ago that I was there, but if I close my eyes for a moment I can remember the smell of the air.