two weeks left

Nicole starts her vacation after this week. Four more days and then she'll be free for nine days. Of course she isn't going anywhere, but to be away and paid for it at the same time should be enough to make her happy. Seeing her happy makes me happy.

I probably spent close to forty-five minutes talking with her this morning and I didn't care what anyone thought about it. Most of our conversation was idle chatter, but spending time with her is always nice so it didn't matter. Plus I know that I'll miss her next week and in some ways I am sure that it will seem strange not to have her around.

Knowing me I'll probably call her at home.


As I've said before I tend to look back through the journal just to see where I was a year ago and sometimes I do seem to be caught in a cycle. The most obvious pattern seems to be that the spring semester ends and I flee the country. On the one hand that sounds okay, but I'm not sure if I want to do that for a third year in a row. Oh, I have no intentions of stopping with my travels, but I need more in my life than one big event a year.


I started to read an article in the latest issue of The New Yorker about Peggy Guggenheim. From what I've read, she wasn't that pleasant of a person. Nor was she known for her looks. In fact they go so far as to say that she had a potato nose and that does not sound attractive. Despite these flaws she still managed to collect some great art before the Nazis decided to reshape Europe more to their liking.

That must have been an odd time to be in Europe. People knew what was coming and were fleeing as fast as they could. Soon I'll be in one of the cities that was leveled during those years. In less than two weeks, I'll be in Warsaw for the first time.

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