earthshine sold freely After the sun set yesterday, I took a moment to look out my bedroom window. Low in the sky was a crescent moon with the planet Venus shining brightly next to it. I had to wonder how many other people knew that that was what was in the sky. ... I've been making a very conscious effort not to talk about work and it seems to be working. Besides there is very little new that I can say about that part of my life. Although all of that should change completely in a year. Yes, I know that I am being cryptic, but I can say even less when I am at work. ... The stars say: Make sure you can back up all of your ambitious words with concrete actions, Sagittarius. Saying that you can do the job is really only the first step toward actually doing it, you know. In the name of efficiency, some of your many interests will just have to move to the back burner. There are a lot of important people watching this tightrope act, and you can't afford to lose your footing. Perform well this time, and you'll be invited here again. ... Every so often I run across a person whose sole purpose in life seems to be to feed off of me. Yes, I know that that sounds arrogant, but I also know that it happens to other people. I'll try to explain what I mean. There will be that one person who manages to suck all of the life out you. They see you as a source of knowledge and or place to get information yet offer nothing in return. They take and they take and take until I can't stand the mere sight of them. Why do those kinds of people exist and how can I avoid them and or make them go away? These people seem to have no identity of their own and try to fashion one from the things that I do and or say. They steal my thoughts on music, film and other things that interest me. Why? Can't they think for themselves? It reaches a point where I almost feel the need to give out false information just to see if the parasite stays attached. These same people also feel the need to control a conversation yet say nothing of any value. Sadly as abrasive as I might seem here, I can't tell these people to fuck off. The problem is even worse when the said leech is someone that works with me. Sigh. Something tells me that the next twelve months are going to be a huge struggle for me. I can tolerate and even understand the question behavior from a child, but from an adult I find it to be very annoying. I also don't feel the need to share my every thought with people that I see at work. Yes, I write here, but it is far more of an internal dialogue and not something that will make its way through the office gossip channels. Now that I think about it some more, Nicole has called this person a gossip more than once and she does tend to avoid him. He also seems to keep his distance from her. I wonder how she got that to work? Plus I know that I've told her that the leech annoys me and she knew what I meant.