more than humble For the second day in a row, my morning ended with Nicole and I don't think that I could have asked for anything better. We amused each other by first going through my linguistics homework with Nicole making a face when I mentioned glottal stops. Then it on was on to commenting on the habits and appearances of other coworkers, which was followed by a brief search for her fiance. Obviously they had rode to work together and she was ready to go home. An hour went by in this fashion and we didn't stop talking until her fiance made her close the car door and drive away. Personally I wouldn't have minded riding along, but somehow I think that that would have gotten awkward. She really looked good this morning and I had to remind myself not to kiss her goodbye when she was sitting in her car next to her fiance. ... Odd confession time. I honestly like the Colombian singer Shakira and it has nothing to do with her image or the mass media pushing her onto the American public. Something about her music fascinates me and makes me smile at the same time. The lyrics might be a little awkward, but I doubt that I could do better if I had to write in Spanish. I also like her Spanish songs which are more sound to me than words, but that might change with time as I listen to her more and more. On a related note, I bet that my hit count would go through the roof if I changed the name of the site to something Shakira related. Oh, I get some traffic with the daysleeper name, but I am sure that it is nothing to what her name must generate. Michael Stipe and the boys don't sound or look like her. I sometimes wonder what people must think when they stumble across the journal while doing a search on the word daysleeper. First of all I very seldom if ever mention the band REM and I would be hard pressed to remember the last time that I listened to one of their albums let alone that one song that has the same name as the journal. I chose the word more for what I do than what they sang in the song. Instead of daysleeper, I could call the site something like thereover, hereunder or even better I could go with le do le le le le, le do le le le le. On a more serious note, I could use "sitting here watching other people live" out of the context of her song. Actually for a while I was pondering the phrase "amateur horizon chaser" as a new name for the journal. ... Falling into the category that the world is smaller than you think, I found out that the man who came to my place to do some repairs on the unit next door is friends with someone that I know at work. Now I'm not that close to said person at work, but it was still an odd thing to learn in casual conversation. ... I guess that today ended up being a success. I didn't get much done except watch a few more episodes of The X-Files, but that doesn't bother me since I didn't have any real plans for the day. Saturdays tend to be recovery days for me and that seems to be even more true now that I'm going to school four days a week.