boy meets girl Yesterday I think that I fell as far as I could fall emotionally, because I felt much better this morning when I woke up. Maybe a not quite solid eight hours of sleep was what I needed to improve my mood. I know that I didn't sleep that well because I remember waking up more than once, but that isn't that unusual for a Sunday night. There were two small things that saved yesterday from being a complete loss. When I was able to focus on something other than feeling sorry for myself, I managed to get some loads of laundry done and also caught what was for me a new episode of Alias. Of the twenty two episodes that I have aired, I think that this was only the fourth one that I've seen. When they first aired, I was still busy watching The X-Files, but now that that program has left the air I am free to spend my time with Jennifer Garner. I can see why they placed it opposite The X-Files, because there are some elements that they have in common. Mainly there seems to be an underlying conspiracy thread in both programs with some of the episodes tapping into it while others are more self contained. ... Late this evening pop culture gave me two very different viewpoints on relationships. Neither of them were overly insightful, but they made me laugh so I guess that it was worth my time. Meet My Folks was my first distraction of the evening. Yes, I can now say that I have seen the program and it had its moments. As to why people go on these programs is still beyond. Is that fifteen minutes of fame that important to them? Personally after watching these kinds of programs I still have to wonder how men and women can tolerate one another at all. The second take on the boy wanting a girl theme was the movie Birthday Girl with Nicole Kidman and Ben Chaplin. My main reason for renting it was that it was one of the few movies that Nicole and her fiance hadn't told me about already. I may not have rented anything in months, but between the two of them I feel as though I've seen most of the movies being offered at the local video store. As I said Birthday Girl was a movie that they hadn't mentioned and I also think that Kidman can be a good actress at times. I mean she was downright creepy in the film The Others and if I had been in that house I would have smacked her. Of course she also made me laugh in Malice, which I am sure was not the desired effect that she wanted. As for Moulin Rouge, I tried to watch it with the sound down very low, but failed. In a feature on the disc the director describes Birthday Girl as a sex comedy and I guess that I can agree with that description. Dark comedy might be slightly better, but I think that both descriptions can be used. Then when I found out that the two Russians in the movie are in fact Frenchmen Vincent Cassel and Mathieu Kassovitz that somehow made the film even better for me. I like when actors can change their nationality and I mean more than a horrible accent. Kidman also came across as a fairly convincing Russian. Of course I haven't met that many Russian women, but she wasn't exactly Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle. ... Note to self. Trying to match up names with Enya songs just by listening to them is hard to do. Songs by Diana Krall and or Alanis Morissette are much easier to identify. Yes, I spent part of the day sifting through mp3 files.