edward albee said At last I have another excuse for why my updates have been appearing so late the next day besides my odd if not overly busy schedule. Unknown to me until after the fact there was some maintenance being done this weekend with the servers that host the site that from my perspective took longer than planned. They said that they were done, but due to some configuration problem, I couldn't upload anything until late today even though I had stuff ready to go. Everything seems to be fine now though. ... Even though some time has passed and the emotions aren't as strong today, I have a few more things to say about the topic from yesterday and then I'll let it go. Obviously there are a few things that prevent me from being with Nicole no matter how much I may want that to happen. The most important one would be that she is engaged to someone else who also happens to be the father of her child. I will not come between the two of them or their future plans that are shaky at times if not unclear most of the time. She has also hinted that even though she is unhappy she is not willing to change her situation. Overlooking that moral point, there are a few personalities traits of hers that may cause some friction if we ever got together. She does not like to travel. In fact she very seldom if ever leaves the part of Milwaukee where she lives. She goes to work and home again with a few trips within the surrounding neighborhoods of both places. In fact I also know that she has only left the state once in her life and that was to go to Chicago. She has a small menagerie that seems to be growing ever so slowly. I like animals, but four of them in the same house would probably start to wear on me. Plus I can not imagine the expense of feeding said animals. I know from what she tells me there are weekly trips to the pet store for food and other things that they need. That would take some adjusting on my part. Okay, I need to move on to something else today. Besides I only caught a glimpse of her before I left work and we didn't get to talk as we passed by one another. Then the two times that we spoke on the phone she was sleepy so I didn't really have any time with her. Sigh. ... The play season continues to be a success with my second one coming just two days after the first one. The name Edward Albee was vaguely familiar to me, but I didn't know the Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf connection until I sat down and paged through the program for A Delicate Balance. Now that I've seen both, I can recognize some of the themes that he likes to use in his plays. The man writes some amazing dialogue where the people verbally spar unlike anything I have ever heard in life. Plus his characters have to drink alcohol as they spit out said attacks on one another. Some people might find these acidic if not hostile characters to be disturbing, but I find it to be very funny which I believe is his true intent. |