my neglected house

Since I have been so busy for the past couple of weeks dividing my time between school and work, my poor house has fallen into chaos. Generally speaking when I am home, I'm usually doing one of three things which include sleeping, eating and showering. None of those activities leaves much time for cleaning.

Today I changed that pattern and did some serious cleaning. With hints that the weather is going to start to get cooler, I'll probably be spending more time inside and I want my place to be clean so that I can relax and enjoy it. When I am at home, I don't want to be staring at old junk mail, magazines and dirty dishes.

I also reached the decision that I need to invest in some new living room furniture next year. What I have now is leftover from my undergraduate days and I think that I need something new that isn't connected to my past. Besides the couch and the chair have to be at least twenty years old, because neither of them were new when I got them fifteen years ago.


On my way through town this afternoon, I saw two high school age girls walking along the street. Then as I drove past them they started to jog a little. As I moved further along through town I quickly realized that they were in fact stragglers from what must have been the local cross country team out running for practice.

Seeing small packs of young women wearing jog bras and shorts alongside the road made for an interesting drive this afternoon.


Musical classrooms seemed to be theme for school today, but I am getting ahead of myself. I need to go back and fill in some details first.

The classroom where we usually meet is small and located in one of the oldest buildings on campus. There is no air conditioning in said building and that makes for a very hot hour and fifteen minutes worth of lecture. The professor also said that it doesn't get any better in the winter because the western exposure lets the sun beat down on the windows and into the room. To solve this problem, the professor found us a new room.

Well, late this afternoon I was the first one in the new classroom when the professor appeared and said he was just checking to make sure that no one else was using it. Soon the rest of the class arrived and we were doing fine until someone knocked at the door. We weren't done, but someone else was there to use the room so we left for our second choice of rooms for the final fifteen minutes of class. To make this change, just about the whole class rode up in the elevator together. It said on the wall that it could take sixteen people, but we only had ten I think.

When we go to the last room of the day, it had to be the smallest one yet. We literally sat around a dining room style rectangle table with a five foot square chalkboard at the end of the room. There was just enough room to walk behind the chairs to get from one side of the room to the other. Besides the air conditioning, there was another factor in its favor. Since it was on the eighth floor there was a great view. However for the exam on Wednesday we are going back to the original room until we can find something else.

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