pop culture immersion My relaxed mood from Saturday carried on through the night and into this morning. This meant that work was exactly what I wanted it to be with the exception of a still distant Nicole. Since everything was so quiet, my final hours were a pop culture stroll through books and music. Lately Grant Morrison has been getting comic press attention for his refreshing spin on the New X-Men, but his Fantastic Four 1234 was just as good if not better. The four part series may have come out last year, but it was something that fell into my read when I have a chance pile. Well that time finally arrived and Grant did a great job with the first family of the Marvel universe. He gave me the characters that I knew from years ago without any camp that seems to creep into the book on a regular basis. Rebecca Gates is still my musical choice at the moment and I wish that I hadn't loaned the disc to a coworker. For the next few days I'll be without it and I was just starting to really appreciate it. I can now say that I've seen the very first episode of Alias. When it started The X-Files was still my focus of television viewing on Sunday night so I wasn't there from the beginning. Of course I can now watch any episode from the first season whenever I want since I have them on disc. |