cold october morning

Even though the weather was close to perfect for this time of year, all that I wanted to do was sleep and it wasn't because I was sick either. Very little if anything seemed to be going right for me and sleep was an easy way to get through the day. That may not be the most sound approach to choose, but it seemed to work for me.

Late this afternoon I got my exam and I saw that I had indeed failed it as I suspected that I had when I handed it in a week ago. This has to be the first time that I have ever failed an exam at the college level. I can remember getting a "D" in philosophy, but I can't remember dipping below that point before in my academic history.

I guess that I can take a small amount of comfort in the fact that fourteen other people failed the same exam and another fifteen or so scored a "D". Putting aside the breakdown of the scores, what this means is that the rest of the semester is going to be an uphill struggle for me, because the "B" on the first exam is not enough to negate the failing grade on the second.


The professor said that he has seen this happen before and suggested that we not take the class as lightly as we would other courses. To me that sounds like good advice.


Steampunk. I wish that the title hadn't come to an end, but at least I have the twelve issue run to read over and over again. A Britain where the industrial revolution happened a hundred years or so earlier than in reality is an interesting one. Plus the idea of Queen Victoria being more of a warrior queen in the same vein of Xena was also amusing. She spoke using the royal we yet was clad in a chainmail headdress, bra and bikini. Robert E. Howard would be so jealous.

Another highlight of the day was a Ken Burns documentary on Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright.

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