avoid red kryptonite

The day did not start well. For some reason I thought that I might be able to sleep at night like "normal" people do and I was reminded as to why that is a mistake for me.

I last saw the clock at eight at night and then quickly saw it again at one in the morning, then three in the morning, five in the morning and finally six in the morning when I decided that I had had enough and climbed out of bed. What I should have done is gotten out of bed at one in the morning and done something and then gone back to sleep since I didn't really sleep. All of that time was lost to me and I detest lost time on my weekends.


Once I did get going I did get some things done. I got some money, bought stamps and got my hair cut all before I needed to go to class. If only I had stayed awake at one in the morning I could have gotten even more done than I did. Instead by the time class started I was tired and ready to sleep. Being there listening to a lecture was not something that I wanted to do.

Before class had started, punk rock schoolgirl and I chatted about class and other things. She's a smart girl and she is definitely growing on me.


I made it to work, but it was no ordinary journey. After leaving a friend's house, I pulled into the lot at work and was backing into a parking space when I noticed something in my left peripheral vision. It was a set of red and blue lights atop a police car. Then as I was still trying to register as to where such an object had appeared without my noticing it, the man driving said vehicle stepped out and walked towards me. I knew what he was going to say moments before he said it.

"Do you know why I am here?"

To hand out baseball cards?
You're lost?
You need a friend?

Of course none of those clever comments escaped my mouth. Instead I said that I might have been speeding.

Well, after some more pleasant conversation where he learned that I was late for work. He said that my perfect driving record was not going to be ruined tonight. I was just going to get a warning and he didn't want to keep me from work any longer. I shook his hand, thanked him and wished him a good night.

Sigh. At least the Smallville episode was good.

Lex Luthor said to Clark, "Does that two thousand dollar coat come with an attitude?" That may not be the exact wording, but it was the general idea.

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