highest score yet As I said I would I asked Kate why she had that look of dismay if not horror on her face when I left after the exam. Not too surprisingly she said that she was getting frustrated at being there and ended up staying to the last minute of class, which is usually not a good sign. She said that she had studied, but it just wasn't clicking for her and I knew what she meant. This little exchange took place before class started so I spoke with her again after class to see if her fears had been correct. I then found out that thanks to the curve, her C had been upgraded to a B and I was happy for her. As we were talking the second time, I was mentally kicking myself for not having spoken with her sooner in the semester. My reasons for not doing so were shallow and not very kind. Based on her appearance and mannerisms in class, I had her pegged as someone who didn't want to be there. Now I feel as though I grossly misjudged her. She genuinely seems to care about the class and wants to do well. Here I thought that she was trying to project some kind of a bad girl image and now I am beginning to think that I was wrong. Putting Kate aside for a moment, I should mention that I also did well on the exam and got my best score of the semester. Now all that I have to do is try to repeat that score on the last exam and I might walk away with a decent grade. ... My online comic subscription service finally came through and delivered a small box of comics today. I had been waiting for weeks for something to arrive and was beginning to doubt that I would ever see anything from them. Seeing that package waiting for me when I got home was a nice reward after getting the exam back just a few hours earlier. |