snow shadow blue Since the Tori concert was still fresh in my mind, the first thing that I did once I got home from the concert this morning was watch the video collection of hers that I own. For the most part I did it to see how many of those songs had just been done in front of me mere hours ago. When I was at the concert I recognized two thirds of them, but a few of the songs didn't seem familiar to me and I wasn't sure if they were from the new album or older ones that I had forgotten. Tori has come a long way from the Silent All These Years era and I see that as a healthy progression. One can not live on anger. It has to subside sometime and let a person move on with his or her life. It was interesting to see her in person at last, because in many ways she is a contemporary of mine. I'm not certain, but I think that the two of us are roughly the same age and seeing her mature lets me see some changes in myself as well. When I went online to get more information on Howie Day and maybe find some of his songs, I was slightly surprised to see that there was an abundance of songs to download. Then I thought about it some and realized that his being paired with Tori may have had something to do with his availability on the web. To put it another way, his being with her may have finally put his career in motion. One cult following can certainly add to another. ... Hours later when I woke, there was snow falling outside. Living in Wisconsin that isn't that unexpected, but this was the first snow of the season and I could stay home for hours and watch it come down. It was a nice way to wake up. I have a hard time trying to imagine living where it doesn't snow. The sky and ground get that much closer as the air fills with flakes and everything around takes on the same muted appearance. Oh, it might make driving a car a pain and it may not be as pleasant to see in March, but for now it adds something to the landscape. Hours later all of the seemingly dead trees were coated in white and the sun had returned to shine on their new look for the day. Without anyone asking for it, December gave us an early taste of winter. Now the real question is whether it will melt away in a few days. |