the semester ends
08:00 - Leave work and drive to the east side of Milwaukee.
08:45 - Sit in car where I alternate between studying and sleeping.
09:30 - Move car closer to campus and go to take my final exam.
09:40 - No one is by the room so I go somewhere else to take a nap.
10:00 - Take final exam, see crush and Heidi one more time.
11:30 - Last one to hand in exam and leave.
12:00 - Arrive at home eat and then take nap.
15:00 - Wake up, eat and do some more studying.
15:30 - Drive back to the east side.
16:10 - Amy and I are the first ones there.
16:30 - Take exam.
17:45 - Hand in exam and make my way to my old neighborhood.
18:30 - Pick up some audio books from library.
19:00 - Go to grocery store by house.
19:30 - Eat and then nap.
21:00 - I go back to work after two exams and very little sleep.
one year ago