major mood improvement

Once again in the early morning hours of the night I got to spend some quality time with Nicole and that always makes for a great day. There wasn't any tickling this time around. Instead of trying to make her laugh I just played with her hair, which I think is one her best features. It was still down when I saw her. Usually through the course of the night she pulls it back into a ponytail so this was the fresh from the shower look for her that I don't see that often anymore and I took advantage of it.

Hours later before I left for the day, I wandered back by her to say Merry Christmas and to see her one more time. When I found her she was eating some snack food which was normal for her. Then she shoved the open bag under my nose and it made me gag. It smelt like sweaty feet and she laughed. It was very her.

Someone else had brought a bag of this cheese pretzel mix in to eat and despite the smell she quickly got addicted to it. Of course to keep her breath fresh she has to follow up with cinnamon flavored breath mints. She made sure to let me know that the breath mints had to be cinnamon and not the more traditional wintergreen, because the wintergreen makes her soda taste funny. Then before I could comment she went on to say that the cinnamon also reacts poorly with the soda, but it isn't as bad the the wintergreen. Sigh. For some reason I think that that is very her and makes me love her that much more.


When I drove home from work this morning, I felt completely relaxed. My three day weekend had started and I was ready to enjoy it.

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