king mob said

Nicole was the last person that I spoke with at work this morning and that is the best way to end the day. At the beginning of the night an alarm had been sent out that no one on the staff wanted. Soon without anyone wishing it, there were was a crowd of managers and programmers bustling about trying to set things right. Both Nicole and I just wanted them to go home. Their presence there had ruined the evening. Friday night at work is a time to relax from the nonsense of the rest of the week. Order and structure are not allowed. Protocol is forgotten. No one is needed to guide and or instruct. We can do it ourselves. Yes, we can. I wish that I could explain it better, but I can't.


Things have calmed down today and that doesn't surprise me much. I can't maintain the kind of intensity that I had yesterday. Maybe intensity isn't the right word. I can't be that negative for any real length of time. I'd rather just forget about whatever is bothering me and lose myself in ideas or something abstract. At the moment Grant Morrison's series The Invisibles is filling that role nicely. The books came out nine years ago, but I didn't get around to them until now.

The idea that there is a group of people trying to free humanity from forces that prevent them from seeing reality is intriguing. The idea that subversive activity is something good is great reading and I think that Morrison is the man to do it. Through King Mob and the rest of his group we see the recruiting of new member Jack Frost, who I envy. Most people in the world are content to accept what life gives them. They obey the law and do what society expects of them without really thinking why. The Invisibles know better.

Morrison weaves magic, history and philosophy together to make his readers think and entertain at the same time. I couldn't ask for anything more from a story.

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