six day weekend

Once again work was calm enough, but I didn't get to spend any time with Nicole. We talked briefly early in the night and I teasingly said that I never see her any more. At first she was a little confused by what I meant, but she quickly caught on to what I was saying. Then she said that she'd talk to me later in the morning, but it didn't happen. Instead there was a glimpse of her on the other end of the hall with a quick shout.

Part of me knew that this was going to happen. First of all her boss was there and my talking with her is a sure way to get her into trouble. This meant that I couldn't go to her. Secondly she can't call me when she is about to go on break since that makes her fiance jealous. Finally, I am almost certain that I need contact with her more than she needs me, but this is nothing new. Maybe things will be better the next time we see one another.


Today was the beginning of a six day vacation for me. I'm not going anywhere, but I did have a play to attend this evening and I didn't want to feel rushed afterwards so I took the night off so I could give my full attention to the play. Going back to work the next night didn't seem worth it so I took that one off as well. Then with another play for me to see this coming Friday, I suddenly found myself with six days in a row without work and I don't mind. Time away is always a good thing.


I have never heard of the David Auburn play Proof, but I liked what I saw this evening. There were only four characters and I like it when a play is more about the dialogue than spectacle, which is what I got to see. At first the premise reminded me of A Beautiful Mind, since the short description mentioned mathematics and a few minutes into the play that guess was confirmed. Mathematics did play a large role in what motivated the main character and there was also the theme of mental illness. Thankfully the comparison ended there and there weren't any recurring imaginary characters. In fact the one ghost scene was more Hamlet than anything else to me.

I have always felt that there is a fine line between the highly intelligent and mental illness. That hyper sensitivity to the world and or the ability to see the world more clearly than most people has a tendency to make those kinds of people more fragile. Not only is this a common theme in drama, I have also seen it firsthand. Years ago one of the most intelligent people that I knew was also was one of the first people that I ever knew who attempted suicide. He could talk about physics and at the same time have highly destructive drug habits.

One person I knew said that maybe those people get so bored with the world that they feel the need to create a better one.

Leaving the story behind, it was good to Deborah Staples in a lead role. When I first started seeing plays there, the company had a tendency to give her secondary roles. Last season that changed with her playing Anna in a production of Anna Karenina and once again tonight she was the central character. For me she is one of the prime reasons that I keep going.

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