below zero again

I let the day slip away from me and I wish that I could blame it all on the weather, but I'm not sure why most of the day was spent in a mental haze. I didn't feel depressed, but I wasn't exactly happy either. Nor did I do anything all that productive except put my books back into the bookcase. They had been stacked onto the kitchen table last week when I moved the bookcase and since I never eat at the table it wasn't a problem.

As I hinted above, winter has finally arrived in Wisconsin with single digit temperatures and below zero wind chills. None of this is unusual except that until now winter has been very mild and the reality of what winter should be is taking some adjustment on my part. In another day or two I probably won't notice anymore.

A year ago I was on campus and having a good time. Now if I was in school, I'd have to endure a long cold walk on the east side with the lake generating more than a small breeze. I guess that should make me feel better about not being there or at least that is what I tell myself.

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