dark energy universe Late this morning I found out online that Henry Rollins had been here two weeks ago as part of a new spoken word tour and I had missed him. Sigh. I'm not sure how I let that happen since I consider myself a fairly serious fan of his, but it did and I have yet to forgive myself for this sin. Years ago I saw Rollins for the very first time during the Think Tank tour and it was amazing to see him in person after having read the books and listened to the discs. It was unlike anything I had ever seen and I promised myself that if he ever came back to Milwaukee that I would be there. No one else has the same kind of energy that Hank can project and if I could do what he does than my life would be complete. ... After what to me felt like an extremely long night at work, it ended on a high note. Yes, I spent close to forty five minutes just hanging out with Nicole before I finally walked out the door to head home. Towards the end of our conversation I wished her a Happy Valentine's Day since I knew that I wouldn't see her again until Saturday morning. At first she was a little confused since she hadn't realized that the greeting card flower industry day was so close. It was then I asked her if I could get her something for the day and not get her in trouble. She said that I didn't need to do anything since she has faith that her fiance will come through this time. He had gotten her something for her birthday last month and that surprised her since he has forgotten in the past. Then she quickly added that if I really wanted to get her something I could. I hugged her one more time, told her that I loved her and left for home. ... I have the feeling that my two sisters want to make sure that I won't be sad this Friday. One of them sent me a card and the other one sent me a plant, both of which came today. It was nice and unexpected, because I don't have any real concerns about the upcoming day. Actually other than maybe getting something for Nicole, Friday will be just like any other day for me. No woman is waiting for me to tell her that I love her and I already told Nicole how I feel about her so I have nothing else to say or do. |