two weeks left

Since most of yesterday was spent in a daze, I was grateful for being able to think again today. So what did I do with my now active and alert brain? Well, to be honest, I spent a large part of the day wrapped in a blanket in front of my television, the ultimate mind number. Okay, it wasn't completely mindless, since I can usually get something worthwhile from pop culture.

A friend at work had loaned me his DVD copy of The Pit and the Pendulum to watch and that was my after work movie for the morning. Now Vincent Price has never been high on my list of actors, but he wasn't as over the top as I had expected him to be. In fact I almost liked the movie and decided to watch it again in the afternoon with the audio commentary from the director Roger Corman. Between Price and Corman, they made Poe interesting to me.


Someone at work told me that Ann had stopped by last week and no one had bothered to tell me until he did. At first I was mildly upset that nothing was said to me, but after I gave it some more thought that feeling soon faded. She had severed ties a while ago so her not getting in contact with me while she was here didn't surprise me.

She was never very good at relationships and that has always been a source of trouble for her. Without a doubt the woman has way too many problems in her life and her not being a part of mine isn't a negative. Although that may sound harsh, it is the truth, because the only reason she was back in the state was for a court appearance. From what I understand she is probably still fighting for custody of her youngest daughter.


I went online and checked the weather in New Zealand and it looks perfect to me. Highs are in the low seventies with the temperature dropping into the sixties at night. I don't think that I could ask for anything better.

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