back below freezing

Early this morning at work I briefly saw Nicole standing down at the other end of the hall, but she was talking with someone so I didn't go talk with her. Maybe there will be another chance tonight to see where we stand. A week has passed since the conversation that started this whole mess first took place and I am hoping that things will have calmed down by now. I know that I am ready to move forward.

Looking back through the journal, I saw that a year ago Nicole and I had had a falling out of sorts so hopefully this one will pass as well. Does this mean that I am more attracted to her in the month of February?


With the end of my weekend came the return of winter. Overnight the sun disappeared and the temperature dropped below freezing again. As far as I was concerned it was perfect timing.


Sometimes I wonder about my relatives. I've been working third shift on the weekends for years, yet they still wonder why I don't make it to events that they hold in the middle of the day on a Saturday. Sigh. One aunt even woke me up this morning asking if I had gotten the email invitation. Half asleep I said yes and that didn't seem to satisfy her. What she wanted me to say, I don't know. What I do know is that her calling me did not change my mind. If anything she made the day worse by waking me and making me even more tired than I was when I fell asleep.

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