former art student

Watching a movie with a five year old is not an easy task. When the movie happens to be Attack of the Clones, it doesn't get any easier and that is exactly what happened to me yesterday afternoon My niece and I sat through part of that movie and as the movie moved along she asked one question after another.

What are those two creatures going to do to Padme?
Why are they going after the bounty hunter?
Who is R4?
Are the clones good or bad?
Who was the first clone?
Who is going to use the clones?
Anakin is Luke right?
Why are there two queens?
Doesn't everyone like the Jedis?

I'm surprised that she saw any of the movie, because she was asking so many questions.

Sometimes she would answer her own questions before I could say anything. For example, when Anakin and Padme are frolicking in some field with these computer generated creatures, she said the following:

What are those animals? They look like giant pigs to me.

I laughed and said that she was probably right.

The twenty to thirty something age group may have been disappointed by the movie, but my niece loves it and can't wait for the next movie to come out. Lucas has insured that he'll have a future audience to keep the money flowing his way.

To enhance the viewing experience she brought out a small selection of her action figures. It seems reenacting the movie as we're watching it makes the movie even better.

We didn't see the end of the move, but she did ask me one more Star Wars related question before we stopped it so that we could eat supper. No, actually it was more of a request. I am supposed to buy her a light saber, because both her mom and grandma said that she can't have one. It also has to be a blue one.


Late this afternoon I made my way to the campus and it felt odd to be there. I had been there last week to see a play with Jen, but otherwise I don't have any reason to be there this semester. My mission was to get a final exam from last semester.

Eventually I made my way across the campus and to the door of my professor's office. It was closed and taped to it was an envelope with my name on it. Inside was my exam and nothing else. It seems that something must have come up in his schedule since I was thinking that he was going to be there as well. I lingered around for about fifteen minutes, but he never showed.

Since going there meant a half hour drive, I was determined to make the trip worth my effort. There was no way that I was just going to turn around and drive home after only being there for half an hour so I made my way over to the art building.

Doing some creative always lingers at the back of my mind, so I was hoping that seeing some student artwork might inspire me to do something. This was my first time ever in said art building so I wasn't sure where to start looking for the display cases.

The first floor was mainly offices so I climbed a flight of stairs in the hope that there would be something more interesting for me to see on the second. Once I rounded the corner, I was rewarded with a sight that I have not seen in ages. Standing in the hall talking on her cell phone was this tall white girl with dreadlocks. Since I work in a conservative professional computer environment, she was a definite contrast to the woman that I usually see on a daily basis. Looking at the color and mode of her clothes, she had fiber arts person written all over her. It was a nice change of pace. She ended her conversation and walked back into the classroom that was filled with more color than I have seen in a long time.

Going up another floor or maybe it was two, I found some prints and stood there a moment taking in the images and examining the techniques used. They were mainly lithograph series showing various stages of creative decision. Close by behind a locked door was an array of presses and I wished for a moment that a class was being held. I wanted to walk into that room and snoop around. I wanted to touch a stone for the first time in years. I wanted to roll out some ink and pull a few proofs. I wanted to do what I had done for hours a decade or so ago.

Of course none of that happened and probably won't until the fall. All that I can do now is start drawing again or maybe even pick up a brush. I should have the time when I get back from New Zealand.

After leaving the campus, I stopped at another place I used to frequent. I made my way to the comic book store for the first time this year. Early on a Thursday afternoon, there weren't many people there and I could take my time browsing and picking up some issues that I had missed when I made the change to my subscription service.

I don't miss going there. Oh, seeing the racks of books is always impressive, but it was never a place where I lingered that long. Once in a while I would get drawn into a conversation with the clerk and some other customers, but for the most part I usually bought my books and left. Maybe since I grew up reading the books by myself I never felt the need to talk about them with anyone else. Besides today there are message boards, if I feel the need for some kind of exchange.

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