the baikonur cosmodrome With the sun behind the clouds for the first time in days and a full stomach, I am ready to go to sleep. A half watched episode of Alias can wait until I get up later this afternoon. Saturday and Sunday were busy days for me so Monday needs to be a day of sleep. I have to get back some of the energy that I lost. I'm not complaining. Anything that kept me from sleeping the past two days was worth it. Without hesitation I have to say that things has been going very well for me lately and I hope that it stays that way. ... Seeing Amanda Foreman on the most recent episode of Alias was fun. She was one of my favorite characters from Felicity and I am happy to see her on the small screen again. Her husband from Felicity played by Greg Grunberg has a recurring role on Alias, so I am hoping that the same might happen for her. This is quite possible since J. J. Abrams was the man behind Felicity and is now the driving force behind Alias. |