grilling means spring

I had a plan after I left work this morning, which is unusual for me. More often than not the weekend takes me by surprise and the first day or so of my time off is spent in a daze catching up on sleep. Thankfully that didn't happen today and maybe I'll repeat the same thing next week. For the longest time I've been trying to break myself of that habit and I might have finally done it.

My first stop of the morning was the local garden store. I wanted a new plant or if I saw something that I really liked, maybe I'd buy two of them for my place. Since I know that I won't be moving anywhere soon and I have the space, I don't see why I can't have a couple dozen plants spread around the house. To me they look good and add some color to the place without having to paint. Plus I like being able to bring a small amount of nature into where I live.

When I got to the store, I was very disappointed by the selection. I had been there to look around a week or so before I went to New Zealand and at that time they had to have three times the amount of plants that I saw there this morning. There were big gaps between the different kinds of plants and I have no idea why either. I mean these were house plants so why would there be a run on them in spring when people can start to plant other things outdoors.

After wandering up and down the greenhouse for about fifteen minutes, I walked out with a fairly large rubber plant, a new planter for it and a bag of potting soil. Even though I only came away with just one new plant for my home, I still saw the trip as a success.

My second success of the morning was firing up the grill for the first time this year. A pound and a half of ground chuck was soon transformed into a plate of burgers. Then not wanting to waste the glowing coals, I quickly threw five Italian sausages on before I got tired of steering clear of the smoke.

The third success of the day wasn't really something that I did, but something that happened instead. Waiting for me in the mailbox was the Henry Rollins spoken word discs that I had bought less than a week ago. I hadn't expected to see them so soon, but arriving on my weekend couldn't have been better timing. Now I have something new to listen to on my commute or when I am cooking supper for myself.

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