morning rain please

Intermittent rain throughout the day made for excellent reading and eventually napping weather. Personally I don't think that I could have asked for anything better, because I didn't feel like leaving the house to spend money or waste time. Staying home is what I wanted to do and that's exactly what I did.

Huddled under an afghan on my couch I caught up with a couple issues of National Geographic that had been untouched since I brought them in from the mailbox. There were a couples issues of The New Yorker waiting as well, but I never got around to them. I was more in an explorer frame of mind than a literary one.

In the April issue of National Geographic, there was an article devoted to Corsica that I really enjoyed. Before I read the article I had never given that much thought to the place and knew next to nothing about it. Now I know that it was the birthplace of Napoleon and the people there do not consider themselves to be French. Those two things are enough to make me want to go there someday. Then again just being able to hang out on a Mediterranean island is another strong incentive. The only taste of the Mediterranean that I've had in my travels was seeing Venice and that was three years ago. If things weren't so tense in Europe right now, I wouldn't mind going this fall, but that may have to wait awhile.

The second article that caught my interest was about caving in Oman. In typical National Geographic fashion they sent a team there to determine if this would be a viable tourism option for Oman in the same way that the United States uses Carlsbad Caverns. They didn't reach a definite answer, but I wouldn't mind having that kind of job. The leader of the group was a geology professor and this was what she did during her summer break. Once again I have to say that that is the way to go in life.

I've been to Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and saw part of Waitomo Caves when I was in New Zealand, but both of those were well established tourist destinations. I've never had to rappel down the side of a cliff to see a cave, but I think that it would be fun to try at some time.

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