the starring role In the early morning hours, I listened to the first disc of Talk Is Cheap, a spoken word album by Henry Rollins. Now I am quite aware that he has his detractors who say that he has past his prime and should stop, but I still find him to be entertaining and very honest. Sometimes those two things don't go together, but he seems to possess both of them. Plus he seems to be a person who isn't willing to compromise on things in his life, which I can respect. Maybe that isn't quite right, but at the very least he does what he says he wants to do with his life which is more than most people do. ... This afternoon most of my family got together to move my sister Hope. She wasn't moving that far, but it still took some time. Actually I was happy that it went as smooth as it did. ... I got home just in time to hear the commander in chief who was aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln address the nation and some of the troops involved in the recent conflict. I was not impressed by what I heard. Oh, his campaign in Iraq may have gone fairly smooth, but the man is still not a good public speaker and to me that should be a key element of politics. Obviously I'm not asking for a savvy salesman, but at the same time the person shouldn't come across as someone who is borderline mentally challenged. Either he needs better speech writers or some one has to start coaching the man, because it was a struggle for me to keep listening. The man can not engage an audience and his trying to link what the United States did years ago in World War II to what just happened in Iraq did not make sense to me. Four years of battle with multiple nations crisscrossing Europe and parts of Southeast Asia is not on the same level as a few weeks in a desert country that is far from a world power. Then again I'm no political analyst. |