cutting the grass If I had to choose a word to describe my overall mood of late, I think that I would go with the word calm. That isn't to say that my life hasn't been busy, because if anything the opposite has been true. Each weeks passes by quicker than I thought possible, which surprises me. At one time I wasn't sure if there would be enough for me to do once I got back from New Zealand, but that hasn't happened. April was a blur of activity for me and I am starting to think that the month of May is going to be the same way. Getting back to the calm aspect, what I mean is that on the work front I seem to be the only person in my department not complaining. None of the day to day nonsense of the business world affects me. Most of the time I just let it go and focus on far more important parts of my life. Maybe the post vacation high will carry over through another month. Another factor for my change in mood would be the fact that I am with someone again and that has changed so much for me. I would talk about it more, but it always sounds so cliche or trite when I do. Plus I do keep that part of my life to myself. ... There seems to be more order in my life now and I don't see that as a negative thing. I don't have all the answers, but at the same time I don't seem to be fumbling as much as I did in the past. I know that there are certain things that I want to accomplish be it refinancing my mortgage or buying new furniture for my place. Yes, those are practical matters, but that seems like a good place to start. If where I live doesn't look so chaotic than maybe the way that I live my life won't seem so haphazard. Some people might even call that maturity. |