doctor who morning

Last night at work I had a vaguely disturbing thing happen to me. I was about to take a sip from my bottled drink when I noticed something odd about it. The glass bottle had already been opened and it wasn't by me either. Now the drink doesn't come with a plastic seal around the top, but the safety button was no longer depressed and the line of liquid was much lower than it should have been. I must not have noticed when I bought it since I had grabbed a handful of them. Needless to say I did not drink it, but poured it down the sink wondering if some bored grocery clerk had taken a swallow or two then put it back on the shelf or if someone had spiked it with something nasty.


Slow. Sleepy slow Sunday. Didn't do much this morning after work except eat a frozen pizza and watch British science fiction from twenty five years ago. Tom Baker. Teeth and curls with a savage dressed in leather at his side trying to find out why the robots were killing people. As to why the BBC is so slow in releasing more of his episodes is beyond me. I'd certainly buy them.


I had wanted to see my brother today, but I slept too late and he was gone by the time that I called my parents. Tomorrow he'll be driving to Kansas for a job interview. I guess that that could be called an adventure of sorts.


Since I had to leave for work before the second episode aired, I taped the two part season finale of Alias. I refuse to speculate on how the season will end, but I am sure that I will be impressed. The show never fails to deliver some quality entertainment. Plus Amanda Foreman makes another appearance. Personally I find her to be more attractive than Jennifer Garner and I think that it has something to do with her dark hair.

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