cranberry couch cushions

Quarter to six in the morning and all that I want to do is sleep. Two more hours of work and I'll get my wish.

Once again things have been speeding up in my life and I know that they won't slow down until sometime in July when the class that I'll be starting tomorrow will be over. I'm not sure what to expect from this class, but it'll be a nice change of pace to be on campus again if only for a few weeks.


I ordered the plane ticket for my next trip. At the end of August I'll be in Alberta Canada for a week and I think that I'll be more than ready for a vacation by then. My summer class will be over and some time away before the fall semester starts is probably in my best interest.

It's been four years since I was anywhere in Canada so I am looking forward to it. Canada may not have the history of Europe or be as exotic as Australia or New Zealand, but it'll still be good to spend some time outside of Wisconsin.

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