regular humidity visits When I woke yesterday in the late afternoon, I felt like myself again. Almost all of the swelling in my right hand had disappeared and I could finally concentrate again. Then with this newly returned ability to think clearly it dawned on me that July was over and I was well into the month of August. Summer was leaving me behind. Not only has summer been getting away from me, but time in general seems to move faster the older I get and don't mean that in a sarcastic way either. I can't remember when my life was as busy as it is now, but that isn't to say that I am complaining. Despite being so busy my stress level is fairly low and an even better benefit is that most of the time my life makes sense to me and isn't as random as it has been in the past. I wouldn't say that I have next five years of my life planned out, but at least I seem to be going somewhere. ... A year ago I made a list of what was good and bad in my life. Not much has changed except for the fact that I have been to New Zealand now and plan on seeing Russia next year. Travel is still everything to me and being somewhere new always make me feel alive. |