must get away On the drive home from work this morning, I was wondering why my boss feels the need to make me feel as though I am a moron. It doesn't make sense to me. Does it make him feel better about himself? Does he think that what he is doing is beneficial to me? Most of the time I like to think that I am a reasonably intelligent person and in the past this has been told to me by various people that I know be it professors or friends. However, the more time that I spend at work; the more I am made to feel as though I am incompetent. In fact, I often feel as though they are making a sincere effort to kill any intelligence that I might have at my disposal. Naturally this confuses me. Wouldn't any employer want their people to feel as though their opinions and actions mattered? Wouldn't they want to foster a sense of well being? To this day management in business defies my understanding. Thankfully my friends in the department echo my thoughts on this strange scenario. |