spinning their webs When I was talking about the weather yesterday, I may have spoken too soon. A change in the seasons is very noticeable and it happens almost immediately after sunset. Once the sun goes below the horizon there is no lingering heat. It all seems to disappear in an instant. I noticed this as I was sitting on my deck reading The New Yorker once again. Then as I looked up from my magazine I saw not one but four spiders all spinning webs between the slats on my deck. I had swept the webs away yesterday and I imagine that they were determined to recreate what I had so recklessly destroyed. So in the fading light I watched the closest one to me go in a counter clockwise circle repeating the pattern over and over. As I was watching the spider move, I started to wonder if counter clockwise was the direction taken in the Northern hemisphere and if it would be clockwise in the Southern hemisphere like the way water flows down a drain. |