read six titles

Even though the calendar says that we are well into the month of September, it didn't seem that way to me at all today. It was far too warm a day to even think about autumn. Plus almost everything that I did made me feel as though it were still the height of summer and I hope that it stays that way for a few more weeks. So since in my mind the world was still in the midst of summer, I had no worries or concerns except to get some food to grill and spend some time outside reading the latest issue of The New Yorker. Not only did I cook some burgers, but I also did some steak for the first time this season. For me it was an ideal way to spend the afternoon.


A new shipment came in the mail today and I wasn't sure where to start reading. Over twenty books at once is never an easy decision for me, but in the end Lucifer won as it usually does. With the quest over and the crew of the Naglfar disbanded most of the issue focused on Elaine and Mona which made sense since finding the two of them was the cause for the quest. As to what Carey is going to do next with the book is beyond me and I see that as one of its major strengths. The book does not follow a formula.

Lucifer then gave way to Brian Michael Bendis and his ongoing epic known as Powers, which ever so slowly is growing more and more appealing to me. In the beginning it was a crime book where beings with powers were investigated by ordinary people. At times it was funny, but there was always something missing for me. Now with the jump into the past and a nod to Highlander, the book has moved its way up my reading list.

Flash, Legion and Mystic followed in quick succession and before I fell asleep and could read no more, I finished the first issue of 1602. I have no idea how Marvel convinced Neil Gaiman to write something for them, but so far I like what I see. I wouldn't say that the story is his best work, but then again these characters don't belong to him.

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