fake campus drinking When I walked out of work this morning it was cool, overcast and in general not very appealing, but by the time that I drove to class three hours later the sun was out and beating down on me with full force. There wasn't a cloud in the sky to block its heat and I loved it, because I wasn't expecting it to be that way. Summer was back in time for my weekend and I was more than pleased. Once I got back home from class it was out onto the deck for me. Despite the fact that I was craving sleep, there was no way that I was going to let this day go by without me getting the most out of it. Many comic books were consumed as the wash machine did its thing in the background. Spending hours outside just reading and watching the world around me is an ideal afternoon for me. Then at five thirty I closed my eyes and didn't open them again until quarter to ten. Since my nap happened when it did, I missed the sunset, but woke in time to see an episode of Elimidate that had been filmed here in Milwaukee. Of the three places where they went for dates only one of them was known to me, but since I'm not into the bar scene anymore that didn't surprise me. For the most part, the people acted as though they were typical people from the area except for one detail that seemed forced or planted by the people behind the television show. The girl said that she was a student at the college where I go and that she liked beer. Now that part was fine, however, when she pulled out a six pack of Miller Lite and started to drink it on the campus, I shook my head. I have never seen a woman drinking a six pack on campus. Oh, I am not denying that people drink alcohol there, but they do not carry around six packs of beer in their backpacks and then unpack them on the campus grounds to drink them in the public. |