some home improvement

After class this afternoon, I finally finished a plumbing project that I had started on Tuesday. When I first started working on the problem, I had no idea that it would take as long as it did. I had hoped that it would be a quick fix and that it would take fifteen minutes at the most to do. I was so wrong.

For as long as I have lived in my place, I've tolerated a spout that continues to spit out water when I take a shower. Somehow it doesn't seal properly when I lift the tab to divert the water to the shower head. So instead of getting great water pressure, I get what seems to be about a third if not half of what I could be getting if the spout worked properly.

On Tuesday I went to one of the local home improvement stores to get a new spout and after scanning the display of choices, I bought what seemed to be the standard. Well, once I got home I found out that whoever did the plumbing at my place had cut the pipe wrong and made the new spout that I bought almost useless. Oh, I could use the spout, but it wasn't flush with the wall of the shower. When I screwed the new spout onto the pipe, there was an inch gap between the wall and the back of the spout. Sigh.

After having my Dad look at the problem on Wednesday, it was decided that I needed to return the spout that I had bought and get another one where the pipe would sit deeper inside the spout. This solution wasn't made until late that day and there was no way that I was going to brave rush hour traffic just to get a spout. It worked fine even though it wasn't flush with the wall. Getting a new one could wait another day.

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