green lantern spoke After finishing a pleasantly quiet week at work, I almost missed class this morning and that was not the way that I wanted to start my weekend. At eight thirty I had set my alarm for ten thirty and promptly fell asleep. A simple two hour nap was all that I wanted, but for some reason I didn't wake up until quarter after eleven. That did not make me happy, but after a hasty shower to rectify some bad hair styling provided by my pillow, I made it to class on time. With summer making a very welcomed return this October, walking across campus was a great way to spend part of the afternoon except for one thing. There were bugs everywhere. I asked someone else in class about the bugs and they too said that they had been assaulted by them. As to why this was happening we had no idea, but it did seem strange to me. Once I got back home from class, I went out onto my deck to fully enjoy the late summer weather and read a stack of Justice League Europe comic books to pass the time. These were written a decade ago when Keith Giffen was still a major force at DC with his unique style of humor. When these first came out, I did not like the fact that there were jokes on almost every page. Something about the mix of super hero adventure and comedy didn't sit well with me. I think that at the time I was much more into the seriousness that the medium could reach with say The Sandman and seeing Blue Beetle and Booster Gold acting like Abbot and Costello did not appeal to me. Now however the humor doesn't bother me as much. Putting aside the humor element of the books it is nice to an earlier version of Wally West and this is also the most exposure to Captain Atom that I have ever had. Plus there is the ever lovable Kara. DC announced that Ben Raab will no longer be writing Green Lantern and that Ron Marz will be making a six issue return to the book. Since I wasn't there for the first run that Marz did, I'm not as emotional about this issue as others seem to be when I look at various message boards. What I want to see is Grant Morrison take over the writing chores once Marz has his final take on Kyle. PBS decided to air the Ken Burns documentary about Lewis and Clark again and I had to watch it even though I've seen the program more than a couple of times already. I guess that this is because every time that I see it, I notice new details that I didn't see in a previous viewing. There are so many details to absorb that it really does warrant multiple viewings. |