nicholas christopher wrote

Once again it felt like summer today even though it says October on the calendar and I tried to spend as much time as possible outside. Obviously there will still be nice days in the coming months, but they won't be quite the same. The heat from the sun won't be as strong and the general mood of the season will be one of going to sleep instead of just being laidback. To me that is a definite difference.

Sitting out on my balcony to get the full effect of the day, I started a new novel even though there was homework to do. Wednesday is the only day of the week that I don't have class or work so I try to keep it as stress free as I can and reading a book meets that requirement. Besides reading for pleasure takes less effort than trying to plow through scholarly journals when I am half awake.

Trip to the Stars has been on my Amazon wish list for a long time, so I when I saw it on the shelf at Half Price Books yesterday, I had to buy it. Fifty pages into the book, I know that I made a good decision and almost wish that I had bought it sooner than I did.

From what I remember reading online at Amazon the book should appeal to those who like Neil Gaiman and so far I have to agree. Alternating between two characters, there is a slightly magical and somber feel to the book, but it isn't pure fantasy which would turn me off. Neither Loren or Alma are that unusual, but what happens to them is what makes the book interesting. Hopefully I won't be disappointed as I make my way through the rest of the book.

Speaking of disappointed, Smallville has lost my interest and I suspect that I may not even bother watching next week. Nothing ever seems to move the plot forward. Clark runs away from home. His father brings him back and they act as though he was never gone. Sigh. Lana likes Clark and he likes her, but they never seem to get any closer. Now I am understand that teen drama is appealing to some people, but I want more from the show and it isn't delivering.

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