second grade memories After class ended, I left my school to go to another school. My parents had asked me to pick up my niece this afternoon, because they had to be somewhere else at her normal pick up time. This was fine with me and I was more than happy to help my parents. Going to the school itself was a very different experience for me. First of all, I have no association whatsoever with this place and had never been there before today. It was all new to me and I hoped that everything would go smooth. Not only was I someone different picking her up, but I had to take someone else from her school home as well. The second part that was odd for me was being around that many children at one time. That kind of thing just isn't a part of my daily life. Most of the people that I see on a day to day basis are adults so suddenly finding myself in that type of environment was slightly jarring. I could see over the heads of all them and the amount of activity was amazing. Thankfully any worrying on my part about picking her up from school wasn't needed, because there weren't any serious problems. Second grade is not a time in my life that I remember that clearly. Since I wasn't keeping a journal at that time all that I have are a few memories and school photos from that time of my life. I guess that that isn't that unusual, but my niece is so animated that I can't possibly imagine all of the things that go through her head and part of me wonders what was going through mine when I was her age. |