suddenly turning cold Yesterday before I went to work I managed to spend some time with my family. There were two reasons that I wanted to go there and was willing to sacrifice some sleep. The first reason was that my grandma who had a stroke last year was spending some time at my parents and I wanted to say hello. It'd been a few months since I had last seen her and I wasn't sure whether or not I would see her at Christmas. The second reason was to see my sister some more before she leaves the country. In three weeks I won't see her again for at least a year so any time that I can have with her is important to me. ... It seems that Warner Brothers did something right. My niece saw an episode of The Teen Titans on the Cartoon Network and now she wants some Teen Titans comic books for Christmas. This is exactly the kind of transfer that Time Warner was hoping would happen. Let me explain. There had been a poor selling book called The Titans using characters from The Teen Titans that started twenty years ago, but DC cancelled it so that they could start a new book that would look more like the cartoon and hopefully have better sales. I love hearing the excited way that she talks about the character and I can remember feeling the same way years ago when I first started reading comic books. There is something about the characters that makes them so appealing and she seems to be hooked just like I was at her age. Her favorite character is Starfire, which makes sense since she is one of the lead female characters in the group. Naysayers might be concerned why she would choose a large breasted orange skinned alien woman with a huge mane of hair that reaches down to her ass as a favorite, but Wonder Girl a much more down to earth character isn't in the current Teen Titans line up. The only other female choice that my niece has is the enigmatic Raven who is very withdrawn and somewhat sinister looking in her black cloak that hides her eyes and most of her face. ... My dad told me something that my niece had said to him.
On one level that sounds cute, but at the same time it is very true. Seeing one of their children being sent to war isn't something that a parent envisions or hopes will happen when they have children. Going to war doesn't fall into the timeline of school, job and grandchildren. Plus my niece demonstrated how children don't censor their thoughts like adults learn to do. There is less denial and or subterfuge. I don't really know what to say about my sister going to Iraq. It hasn't been made official as of yet, but her unit isn't taking any green fatigues so I doubt that they are going somewhere there are trees. ... A light snow was falling as I fell asleep today. It was then that I decided that turning on the heat was okay. Of course the downside was that when I woke later in the day, my nasal passages were completely dried out. ... There is good in the world. Neil Gaiman is writing a new novel. |