final saturday june Sleep came easy when I got home from work this morning. An overcast sky and a comfortable couch was all that I needed to slip away from the world of consciousness. ... Popmatters, a web site that reviews books, films and music, was not kind to the musician Jem. In short the reviewer said that her sound was nothing more than pop formula with no substance whatsoever. His review was one criticism after another. He found fault with not only the lyrics, but with the sound as well. Sigh. Despite what the review said, I still like the album and decided to buy it rather than just download it. Music in general is getting away from me lately. I honestly have no idea what is popular anymore and all of the bands that seem to be making a comeback are confusing me. For example, I saw The Cure on MTV the other day and I also know that Morrissey has a new disc out as well. Now as much as I like the song Every Day is Like Sunday, I think that the Moz should quietly retire and so should Mr. Smith. Then on the other end of the spectrum we have the remains on Gun N Roses with Scott Weilland in the band Velvet Revolver. Once again my question is why. |