someone press reset

So what do I want to say today? What has been on my mind? What is worth sharing? All three of those questions sound simple enough to answer, but my mind is a blank or is unable to put those answers into words. Complicated thoughts and or original insight are beyond me for the moment. About the best that I can do now is wait for this odd mood to pass and hope that inspiration comes to visit.


I read an interview with Brian Michael Bendis where he defends and clarifies what he hopes to achieve with his current writing on The Avengers. He begins by stressing the fact that he honestly loves the characters and is in no way trying to destroy a legacy that many readers adore. His logic is why would he want to write something that he hates. He also says that his dialogue style is far more realistic than the characters merely spouting out plot points and that people need to give it a chance. All that he wants to do is breathe some life into a title that he feels is not living up to its potential. To bring about this change he says he has to end what is currently happening to make his version work.

From what I read he sounds sincere enough, but Marvel is a company and the move does seem like a crass marketing ploy more than anything else. Why else would Spider Man and Wolverine be in the new roster? Bendis says that the addition of those two characters will add some interesting personality conflicts. I don't see it that way, but I'm not the one writing the book and will have to see if this is merely a novelty that will be cast aside as soon as he leaves the book or a true improvement on something that needed to be fixed.

Bendis ends the interview by saying that despite the negative reactions to his work, he is happy that people are finally talking about The Avengers again instead of it being stagnant title and I can see his point. Geoff Johns was okay on the book, but none of his stories were that memorable. The days of Roy Thomas era have not been reached in a long time and Bendis is hoping to achieve something of that same caliber.

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