teenage girls lie Back when I was determined to see every movie that had Marilyn Monroe in it, I saw the film The Misfits a number of times. From what I understand her husband at the time, Arthur Miller, wrote it just for her. I've also seen Death of a Salesman more than once, but those two pieces were the extent of my Miller knowledge until I saw The Crucible performed live on stage tonight at the Milwaukee Rep. The impression that I get from his plays is that Arthur Miller was not a happy man. In his stories none of the people have a positive outlook on life. They all seem to be beat down by life and resigned to their fate. Then again some artists say that their art is separate from who they are as a person. That may or may not be true, but for me there wasn't much that I could identify with in The Crucible. Seeing The Crucible as the first play of the season was okay, but I am hoping that it gets better as we move forward. John Proctor was fine, but the actress who played his hired help seemed to be channeling Holly Hunter. I was not amused and her odd accent took her completely out of the scene for me. Another distraction was the young couple seated behind me who thought that what they were seeing was a comedy. More than once the woman would giggle and I had no idea why. Nothing on stage struck me as being funny. People were being put to death because of some false accusations and that didn't strike me as humorous. |